www.drjaudy.com is the primary website of the Jaudy Treatment Center. Watch patient testimonials, browse cutting-edge information, or contact us and schedule a consultation. You’ll find videos on our facility, Dr. Jaudy answering questions about conditions and symptoms, research, links and more!
www.jaudyinstitute.com is where you can register for Dr. Jaudy’s courses on Organ Remapping and Jaudy Systems Integration Diagnostics & Treatments. Register and become certified in Organ Remapping procedures. Visit the website for more information and for class schedules and registration.
Coming soon! www.tolive.today will be the source for information on neuroscience-based facts and tips on everything from ergonomics to condition-based dietary guidelines and activities of daily living. Sign up to the AskDrJaudy.com community and be the first to gain access to this contemporary resource for all you need to know to live a healthy, productive life.